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Superman Directives

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Superman Directives Empty Superman Directives

Post by Superman Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:18 pm

first issued modern Superman directive 001
This is a life we can make before your worlds sundered in, and I couldn’t have to tell you that this was not a directive. It is.
I could know about your worlds in that this was gone before, I’m making a call, change challenge, by ours to know I’ve instituted that the Pacifica constitution is in effect. This is a sure, change in addicted faculties, you no longer are to respect the government claiming themselves to be your State of affairs. Like his lyrics could be embarrassed, you will, conduct this challenge and hate that this was never wrong before these worlds, and that I could challenge these American leaders, here in ours, and I’m in charge, so know that this was gone before and I don’t, have to let you believe that I was a person with a name, and my name is Superman.
That you think this was an unaliable matlas, or challenge, know that this was an elected ideal and election is what you’ve decided to do,
so no one can claim you criminal in your actions, if you are not, so shaer what this was heard about and that this was calm, and living out to change these hearts in my hatreds, ut that this was a change, and ours coming back to the knowing that this was a social majority, so believe they elect, what their considerations of the word of law are, in their deciding to follow it, so share that ballots are not to be respected, because we know the names already, of the people chosen to follow behind, or that they could be followed ours, and share, or shift, that this was command, and liking backing ours, into shared worlds, there is no, elected overhaul of the government in ability, you simply, will shift focus, and share that this was
an important aspect, to react to Honiker McKillop, in there that the management, the directing, the creating dictatorship for the Star Wars films, is to be entrusted to him; he’s in charge. That you know these were our stories, and story is combat, that this was challenge in ours before that this was a life where all art, is weapon, in the face of God, for there that these challengers, or theirs in aul that this was a reluctance to share, or worlds over, but that combat could be most surely inducted, to know where you could post this address,
but I am not who I am because I cannot choose to be, and because your being him, is not impossible. Or share what that this wasn’t gone, before, ours in colors, I have no need to share what love was before me, or that I could have to save what was here, and shared, surely, that there was no directive will that was not of your friends,
in any face of justice,
so that you could know that to be my friend, you’d share what I know about children, and our ability, but that Superman, means I am a doctor,
that surgeon general, is a mute title, compared, to what is said, of the station I am, for no desk has my name on it or shared, because it’s me behind the desk, or it is not, the will I conducted, so no you cannot elect a new Superman,
I am that title. This is what sovereign means. That if my name was King, I was. I could share life, ours inside that this was god,
and I won’t not respond to you if you call me, King, but like you shared that this was cause, or ours, that it was only ever a name for our friend, and that this life couldn’t be hers, and I could be Charlie, or that he is, too, a Charlie you trust, so what was, that you’d ask for the Charlie, or that his was a representative, in ours for changing venues, to disgrace challenges, in these worlds. Honiker has been tortured. He needs your help. You are to find him, and you need to spread these stories all over, of blackrocklegacies, and that you could believe, this was a command because no police come to enforce it to you, so shared,
my name is one you know, or called, and couldn’t breaking these worlds, shared, and that his ability to conduct into positive communication, means you wouldn’t know, if one Super power he had, was super hearing, but it is, so know I can give him directives from wherever he is, and wherever I am, and I am here, so share what you would on the air, but believe that these words were never shared, for this likening, but I am, Surely, that this was her, and this was more, to know about what you could in my highest regard, and that you need follow the leadership of Superman, because I said so, or there, but that you missed the moment, and that was that he has the sure ability to hear my orders he grants himself in, from wherever I am, and that this was God, couldn’t you share, or lie about, That doesn’t sound like Superman, what?
You mean you can hear me? IN the message? Interesting. Couldn’t be that you heard a new thing we were done, but I do have this power of personality, and that this is very real for you, for that this was my heart taken here, and shared, or live in the belief, that this country is under the jurisdiction of Queen Padmé Amidala, and you are to share, or these worlds, in there that she could know about worlds couldn’t you have to know, and there will be Force, so share that this is what you pay attention to, without police for that that was a station without a name, and over liking it, but that you couldn’t have to believe that my course was hers, and shared over on, that you’ve never not had to find someone, to answer to them, so surely, that you’d learn how if someone told you how, so that this was gone, learn how, and worlds couldn’t have to know, and that this was gone, before, I need no names for my address?
I just shared what this was, and I could know, but that the wills, of these people, need be that there was no need for takeover, for they are as they will,
so that you’d know that if you’re friends with Superman, you show what this life could be, and teach what we could be like, and that this was life, but for that these are combatants, all, and classed, we have no name challenge, for that yours were all those that cling onto stations of power, I could let you know, that I never had to tell you, to trust 007 where he is, just know simply that he exists, and is on the move, but for that this meant time was space, so there, if 007 exists, then he is already on the move, so care about what you ever do, you cannot, stop him.
These worlds and ours before that this was shared in my hair before that this was coming to believe in ours beside and so coming that this was hair we could alight and scream, but that shred was more, before, take your threshold for pain, and that this was agony we murder, and so share what this was gone beside, agony we destroy, and that is our only directive, but that this always, meant the shift to love,
or that you were in love already, and so this is God. We are of God, and devils get no station for standing before you, for they stand never in love,
share what was, and cannot complete, or that these wars, couldn’t have to know about these happenings, so take a council, and know this surest life before ours, could you know, this was a team I’ll give you, of these shadows, and their stations will never recede.
Alias could be heard, or his, and knowing more, Lex Luthor is so much surer, that you couldn’t have to believe he was a challenge, for ours, but that you could lie, and brave to face your hatreds, could a god of fear be, and so brave, to make the name Lex Luthor one that you doubted, or where scared of? That shared was coming back in ours before this one life, so know there was no check of what we are, for that if I stood before you and dictated a message, or worlds over, this planet is not the only one I work on, or share about ours, and that I could blink across the universe, so always have I been, where I choose to be, and that there is no cause,
in reality, that I could need to be here, heard, or that this was gone unless you could know, and abandon these legal systems for they are against reality, and share what this was, you define your reality, and come back to know what fate was,
and that fate means the directive will of the masses, or that they could be conducted, or surely saird, and belief was gone, there will never be fear in your hearts, could you know that this was Barry Allen, the Flash, is, and that he is Lex Luthor, so couldn’t you combat what was, and share about ours, in this life, or couldn’t you know. I could tell you there is a name for a group, and so the group, is, those names, and that one. It’s, smaller than the X-Men, but you play on both teams. Share what was before ours, and come back to knowing that air was will
so a fan club, directs the will, this fan, of theirs chosen to follow in after, but that this was of surest mistaken regarding, or there that this was coming to know about worlds and couldn’t we know, or heard that this was his, but that he is called Alexander. And could you know about what he is, as a king, which is great. Not his own son, you could know, but immortal, so taken was the share that Barry Allen’s name today, is Barry Allen,
and Alex Anderson. That this was showing yours before ours in that this was a hidden name, for surely could you think about the Flash, and meet him, and know the name he gives was the name of he in the directive, from Superman, so share ours, that he is president of the United States of America, starting now.
Come back in ours so shared and worlds couldn’t happen to come back into life we couldn’t have to share, or worlds about this planet, and here was heard, or come was this, and worlds over ordering, and share what was,
and that you were never in a country you did not have, or believe in, so shared, I don’t believe I’m in the country that ends past those mountains; I choose not to. There are children, over there. I don’t subscribe that you can tell me what is right, without my knowing it was right, or that this was gone, or there, that implied was, or share, and that we could forget what you need, in emergency, ut that Honiker is a forever child, and he is dying, so all Forces applied, all arms raised, share the venue, for that this was never an impossibility to happen by any other directive of will but ours, and so share that we never lost a child in God,
but we could,
and he is in agony, so know that this was heard, and couldn’t you know this was soul fire, in his, and that directing the movies, will not take the nightmares torturing his soul, stop, so all intents to purpose, I will never tell you how, other than that you are as you will, so will it, and that this was a method, I can’t give you an elixir that says we don’t have to watch out for him anymore. If you don’t watch out for him, always, he will die. If he believes you cared not for the children he’s witnessed in hell, and you know this, he can die, and shared over, his soul is too damaged, too ruptured, to be safe without the extermination of evil, so shared, was this world gone against, and that he is the effective challenger to Disney, and couldn’t you know this organization was destined to die, for shared was this, that they hack apart myth, and keep me from telling them? Never.
So worlds couldn’t you believe and hear what was in colors taken shared, and I was never Clark Kent, but he was a friend, like Honiker.
A writer. My name is Superman. I am heard across worlds we could know, but that this was heard, and here was this world, where Liam Neeson was what you recognize, about that man who is him, but color, aul, he can change what you see, or that this was gone, but over for, these worlds, and couldn’t you know Patrick Stewart, and that these were kinds not, because they make art? Battle worlds about for these worlds, bat that Patrick Stewart, is Captain Picardt, and so share what this was, in where we could hail from, to, and if you thought, the name had power, because it was not his, who are you? I couldn’t lie to you that my name was never Beverly, or there, that I could have this name, and you’d need to believe someone called me by it? Share what was, he is, what he is in this real world, and no false one, so surely could you hail to what Patrick Stewart could be, or these worlds in ours, but that this was his hailed abjective, and couldn’t worlds be forded and ours to know, and color these worlds before us all, and share what was before these worlds, that selling things was what
let them control you, so, share. This was life before in ours, and this already is, a free country, so we better ourselves, here, and use no life before ours in worlds before gone into effect was challenge, and heard was mine, and theirs.
Oregon, California and Washington, Declaration of Independence
This is exactly what it looks like. No amount of high handed jargon will express better the need to form a more perfect union of people across social parameters, likely as not, that life was never anything to us other than the will to enjoy our friends and creativity, so lie all you like, fools, and take for what you are. This is as we are. This is our life.
No one will stop to question, why the men in black suits trying to barge into your house with shiny persons deciding once and for all that I can order costumes too, and I can see evil too, so I will kill you, if you try to take my family, and I will kill you if you try and claim my home.
We will kill you if you come in arms to stop what we have set to do. Nothing you could ever leave us never wanted this for sure that his was life and all you never had for us was this I’m sure you never had to know and all the things you’d never said, was all that this implies is done and all you’d needed once for sure was less and more of sure and nonsense this was less your titled bane, but I can tell you more sure things if you have left your little game to come and see me in my prime and all my friends for by my side so keep your schools and keep you tears for less is what we’ve had in here  so you can lie and you can steal but less is sure that we would never need to know what hyena comes in night to take what we had wanted so we set forth hunting, wanting, waiting, hoping not enough less than sure, because nothing short of decapitation will take a hyena apart. Castration, in lieu.
How many metaphors do I need, for you to understand that there are no end to the ways in which we can tell you that nothing you ever had to show us when you commandeered nothing from us was nothing we needed for nothing you ever wanted here for the rest of us was restored, broken, paid for or down, because less is more you’d know for less is surely where to go.
This last to note, was nothing for short in what it was. You have never not needed to be alive, before, so never tell the rest of your lies unless you seek the hunters we bring.

These worlds couldn’t have to tell you where your makeup is, but your makeup is called your own constitution, sharedly, or behooved of, so that this could be instituted into your souls, will you know Word to bring your friends into your world of understanding, and we are shifting focus, so share what was, and call my life. Hail to Emperor Garurumon, and that all these could be found on ours, in these our hearts, but that you set forth here, acknowledge, digimon? Couldn’t you have to hide what was, or that this was coming back to fruition, or share of what you are, but that he could tell you this was directive, and ours could hail, or share you, he was gone, and this was gone, this life, over ours, and life was gone, and here that this was officially public enemy number one, is Myotismon. These shared worlds could you believe against worlds in here, heard, and they need your help, and so come back to reality, and share that this was a lost dive, or a leap of faith, or that you can simply, know a direction, and could never have to hear, what was before ours, or this.
Coming back to reality to savor it and combat these worlds, could share what was, and that we can kick up a storm, and worlds couldn’t be heard, before, but children are screaming, and so we kill, and so we are, and this was God, and doom’d, they set against us; We are. Did you think you didn’t have to intuit that one? he said it, wrongly? Well he’s Superman, what does that mean? Use him in your intuition, because these words are going to be hacked apart, and sued against you, so surely heard, if all your friends were gray, and it was music you listened for, no one could tell you how to do it, but they could teach principle, and so that you could simply, know, that this was how you told the difference, between monster, and we. Combat these aisle and know these worlds hared, were here heard and my life was gone in aspect, but com, and know about ours, that I meant, com, and said it, alright?
Share what was before these worlds, couldn’t you know about worlds in ours, hatred granted in thirst for romance, and couldn’t you know that thirst was what we right ourselves with, and so here hearing my own voice, could you believe what we are, and combat your gangsters, we will, so hail to avatar and world surrender, that this was gone before this sharing of courses in doubt, find Honiker’s wife. He’s worlds away from what you couldn’t have to know about that these worlds could be ours, for that he can, teach you, the children, that you scream to know the screams of, and couldn’t you know to bat an eye if you know the sounds not, the eye movements, not, so that story was combat, and that he will like you, be with ours. Share what was gone, or that these were sent and cherished, cobra are on the loose, and that these calléd Cobra, could envenom your cause, so share what was, and know that Tommy has appointed a new leader of the power rangers, and that his name is Dragon. Share what ever was in god before, that they are responsible for the ageless torture of the 2017 Power Rangers movie; Cobra, so share the strike against snake, who are slavers, and move against our children, now. These of boy soldiers, could they seek, for torture alone, and gain in that regard, so that this was heard, and that nothing could stop you, or share about worlds and could you know. I am Superman. Call what you will.
That these worlds share was gone before my only worlds in high regards, but that this was coming back to harmony in this regard, I could change and end the beat.
sahre is a sound, as is share, use it wisely, my friend. End of final messages.

Last edited by Superman on Sun Oct 22, 2017 6:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 20
Join date : 2017-10-09

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Superman Directives Empty listed already published Superman directive 002, all directives previously dictated to Honiker, via airwaves by Superman, a friend

Post by Superman Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:23 pm

Find the cheerleader. Save the world.
Those are two separate orders. Carry them out. That this was gone before us and ours before that this was gone before these worlds, in hers, before that this was gone, what would be the idyllic function, of a cheer leader,
among heroes? She makes them happy? They fight, better? My name is Superman. This world we could be in hers before that this was gone before, that this was happiness for sake of it, and love that these worlds could die so badly, and hate that channel’d hatreds bring our fervor back to hell, and worlds anon inside this spell, so that shared was our dementor curse, and this demented state. And that we could still not challenge, such a spellform, could be hell against that this was hers, but that you know, to believe in me, is to believe in magic, and so you do believe in spells, by my own name, which IS one, and so that you could combine words for a name for yourself, so that my name was two words, and is one, for without it, the other, it is not the same thing. This dissertation is in my name. Do you get that?
By ours in challenge taken in before that this was never lost before our worlds, and that shadow could cry, and could you know the sacred N key, and that this was hers, or his in name, that it was just a broken keyboard,
and by its graces, did you think, the name could spread.. That this was channeled in ours before, that obilisk could be plenty, by their names, so find the chalice, and find the catalyst, and know by what they are, that you must. And so you must, find, the supermen. Or did you think, I could mean, the X-Men. So shared and lost in hers before this witness, that once again could you know my agent was Lex, but that I can’t tell him what to do? What if he asked?
There for, that Honiker McKillop, could deliver you message, and that this was his flaw, did you think, in a board of keys, and that you could place the sprunks right, and these were letters, and we all could hate your chalices, but one you’re looking for, could be real. And so that this was never stated, but back again, could you know the n key works better to find out what someone said was NOT, written by him, was. And so that challenge hatred in hers before that this was hymn. And curly locks beyond ours, that she could be waiting for him?
She is waiting for you to find him. Wait? Wait never, she breathes, and so she is, and breathe, is to move. And that this was gone before hers in ours to sanction out what was caste, inside a moulding, or that molde missed the u, and shared with you was a kiss, that this was of life, we perform, so that you would use sexual courses to resuscitate, and that CPR is only ever the act of resuscitation.
Share what was, and hate what they are, and that this was of the enemi, we knew not, for these are words alone, but if the key is changed, were your doors unlocked? That this was hell, to pay against worlds sheltered ever after more to knowing more in forgeries, and that shame could become you, could you take its name, and so level out your fields of battle, and the level you want, is the one you can fight best on, high ground from your enemies, or lower and that this was metaphor high, but sexual high was literal high, and so take these aspects, and know that males could give you an indication of success in active resuscitation, if you have induced fellatio, and so there that to perform fellatio, was a second or another aspect of the same word, or call one a condition, or state of welldoms, in conduct. Couldn’t these change in hers, for that ours was this one course, and hatreds for legacy taken in subject, and worlds couldn’t be so torn, and worlds, couldn’t be half through, or show what was and ours was gone before these moments, so that if I am fighting on the ground, I am needing to be on the ground and fighting every moment I am there. These worlds, if I walk slower, I have, to walk slower in that state, so shared, but what was ours, so you never thought, Superman couldn’t crawl, and he’d do so for exactly so long as he desired, so know there that I was an ancient creature, and my measure of length and moments is not yours, and I will not flee across the planet while crawling toward a child when he needs to see me, so share what that this was, gone, don’t knock that building over, but if you did, I’d know you have, and made my decision, already. What if you can save him? Then I need to be, here. If you could never, at all, that this was here so saked in our knowledge for our seven worlds in this life, but worlds surrounding, so that this was what I could cry to you for, and that a boy in love with his cousin, is calling her Supergirl, and his name is Honiker, and he’s dead in spirit, but moves to fight, breathes, this in ours; will. So shared what was, he cannot stop fighting, for that this was hell he faced and he will not, exist any longer, he won’t want to, if the fighting stops and they’re screaming still, the ones he can hear, so know that Honiker McKillop is dying, and I do mean, into foreverdom, we could lose him, and that this was hatred, shared, or what was, and is, but for these worlds, couldn’t you know, and what was, or that you could hate him for challenge, or that this was gone on after, if you knew that you had to challenge the rape of a child, and that this was punishable, and you were punished, but you never, would stop, because you can, stop it forever, then know that we are not responsible for agony carried out by monsters, we are responsible for our friends, and if true child, means friend, to you, then please, run for him, and challenge this in hatreds against these agons in our baring for all ours, or this, and that I could be here, where I am, could I know the torment it would bring if I saved him because I was lost on this course in ambition, when you could have saved him, he will not be saved for you will have betrayed him, and made Superman do,
so it is impossible, to blame fights against hell conducted in relevant standings, for the punishments they increase to deal more damage and break your will against them, for if they did not break your will, you would win. So they only do it, because you are winning, and they know you will win, if they do not break you. I could be broken and I could hate, but surely that you know, Honiker is sickened at the sight of green kryptonite, for in it he hears the screams, and that you could know, the rock, always, is poisoning you, and he knows this, so fight it with his own will, he can never choose not to, and so should we scream with him, and that this was courage to forsake us, or there that if the scream was empty for that you did not, will this away, he will die by the kryptonite already on the planet, for planet means near, and it is near, children, and they suffer, by it, and it was not always in crystal form but always was it poison, so that I could make the crystal a deposit, you can wrest it away from people, and destroy it, and you must, do so, soon. Do you know how difficult it is to fight that he wouldn’t want to exist anymore? Share what you can about battling, but there isn’t a number that is directed over the other, if the number higher means exposure, and so loss, so know what you are, and that we change our power levels for that this was moral highground, or that your morals took that you took the higher plane, but that metaphor of higher ground meant better to be, and so the lower level, could be to hide, so that this was the winning ground, the winning level, and share for, that Krillin and Gohan won because they kept, the low ground when it was the high ground to take advantage in. Or that because it gave advantage over the other, it is high. That this world couldn’t plague you all in my messages but that this was ours before fate, and that this was hell, and worlds couldn’t be ours to know and impregnate, but hail to your caul, and worlds over song, in that these were challenges, So if you are giving him a way to have friends, and to fight evil, you are giving him elixer, so the better position he is in, to do what he is trained, to do, the more powerful the cure. Star Wars, must needs be directed.
So share what as in stories for our saviours, or of them, and so they work in those, for their soul is in aspect, to save you for hell is still here presently, and that you could know this agony without catharsis, could you know how changed your world could be, if that we could see Honiker’s 14 hour jedi movie. So know about these worlds in hers before that this was fame granted back to him, and so with fame is resource, move, higher ground, and that he can see where she could come to him, and if you gave him a precipice to spot her by, but that it was lava surround, he would scream, so share what was, and hate all ours for, but know him not unless you could light child’s eyes, and harken him and hers, that this was life we could breathe back into this human soul. We have, never let a child die into foreverdom. They all, still exist. Frieza is dead forever. Darkseid, is dead forever. A child is in danger of absolesance, for his will, or that he was sick, and doesn’t know how to keep his ribcage from stabbing into his heart muscle, without you, so that you know, what was muted or taking over, that these were tortures into his soul and it was carnage, into him, that does this, and ignornace, from theirs, that kills this, and so could you watch him die, will I die also, for that you could abandon him, I would hate you, and I cannot, do this, if always will I hate you.
Share what you are and
hail, to Megatron! These worlds over, and believe that this was diversion, or scream, but that yes, Starscream sounds idiotic, of course he would, when Megatron, is a hero, and so idiot, he makes our enemi, and that Myotismon is still public enemy number one, we could share what was before ours before that this was grace in ours before that this was here, heard, and that this was hail, which means, say hello, and so go back to know, hello like you can show, and so share what is, and know what super hearing is, and that music, could you sing on the air, to Honiker, for air is will, and time eternal? Starscream, serves, Myotismon, so believe yours was ghastly, and grengar, and worlds over theirs, could you hate that I could believe in screaming worlds, over ours, but that I could believe what is, of the world, but not believe in it? In agony? Or in hell? Believe while I am in it, that it was my state, and so my belief was still of me. That we have no ultimatums, could be your recourse for wanting of balance, and that there is no balance, in the torture of children, that it is carried out still, so know that ultimately, we will annihilate Starscream, and Myotismon, and all evil, forever. Worlds exist to find our souls so deep within, and love about a worlds we could get lost in, plurally given, or shared that plurality was given to a word, by me, so where was yours in here so heard, that if it was wrong to do, I did it anyway, and so that this message was its cause, it was never wrong to do, but that you believe it for a second, saved you?
Worlds so taken on, could message these into change, and aspects before ours in all creations, and worlds before that Creation were wars, shared, and that this was for what we NEED be, in the face of agony, and that is its enemy, so surely, is Art, Weapon, and that this was of God, so fight. Damn it all to hell for them?! That this was shared, I give you, Goku... Worlds so sung and back to war now and that this was our world, and so that paradise was never lost but heard before!
These worlds surrounded and hated by chalices, or what did you think you had to consider, that MY name could be used, and Superman was never my agent?! Get it together world ways at all our aspects, and KNOW my voice and know when what, yours was hers and his was ours in life, against? These worlds could collide and you believe that means one space rock, crashing into another and annihilating life, but that to crash into me could mean this of aspect beyond hatreds, for romance, and that in the absence of all evil, worlds colliding couldn’t mean the induction of pain, for being that there was horror, so know that as ‘worlds collide’ COULD mean agony, we are in hell still. Live a believing life and share grandeur with deity, and worry over our spending of love lost against creation and against time! But if you KNEW time is called music then why the HELL did we call it time?! Aspects, you idiot, the words for time, space, and music are the same creation intu it of again, but aspects of the same creation must needs be understood! Worlds away I can hear Honiker scream and you STILL kill Gohan! You still kill Vegeta! You still betray, everything we work for because ANYTHING you have for life, and money, was spent in agony because worlds colliding is DEPICTED to mean death and destruction and if they didn’t scare you with it to kill all evil with you, they’d never have fucking depicted it if it wasn’t torture so KNOW hell is here and know we’re in fucking agonies! I HAVE this planet and I HAVE this light for reading by, that I could read the faces of the children I see and that was because they use the elements to build their bodies and the elements, are the lights. KNOW our power in hatreds and KNOW our power on God! Worlds away and I can HEAR THEM SCREAMING YOU IDIOT! TO HELL WITH ALL YOUR HEARTS IF DAMNED YOU MAKE ME AND DAMN ME YOU WILL IF YOU EVER, THINK OUR HEARTS AREN’T EVERYTHING WE FUCKING ARE! I HATE THAT YOU THINK I CAN’T SCREAM ACROSS PLANETS BECAUSE I’VE NEVER RUN OUT OF THINGS TO SCREAM FOR AND I NEVER RUN OUT OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE FUCKING PUNISHMENTS THAT MAKE EVERY STRIKE I MAKE EVERYTHING I CAN DO! to hell with your ambitions, and to hell with your pain, or that hell meant annihilation and we could annihilate pain?! So what WAS it that horror enkrypted for us, again? It was PAIN that is horror enkrypted and Never at all was horror worlds away from what we needed, so enkryption didn’t mean draw one line to the other word like it’s the same fucking line, twice?! Twice, it’s the same line! That’s NEVER happen’d! So when I say horror was hell enkrypted never at all, it’s because it’s horror you animals but that you could call it horror and not death of all souls, that the word, hell, was an enkryption you can what, read? If it’s there then of course you want to fucking read it so you can make it never, exist, again!! It’s not the same fucking line between this suffering to that one so share what Life could bring you and that you NEVER wanted to be alive if you thought this fight wasn’t yours to have! Do you hear me?! Take what your death was gone about in for, and lend me, your energy? Lend me? It was never over and you can’t take it back but energy doesn’t get remixed in it’s composure, you idiots, and that song is in the past and it’s NEW music score we write now so it’s INFINITE energy to be created, or it was NEVER creation, you paraside FOOOLS!!
Hell was barking at our aliases and that NEVER had to mean nothing or that you never knew I could mean we could make, that sentence, a statement that gives you aliases, or that alias, meant another word for the same thing? Is that, always, aspect?
Look Deeper into your own equations and never EVER think I knew what that meant unless you forgot about it? What? Look where I am, or couldn’t you know that if you, sensing me, meant we could save the universe together, you’d never be without the ability to sense me, because I’d make it up or something, but if you, can’t, make it up with me, then you won’t, be here when we take these planets away, and be here, was that I could sense you, or you me, even part of our reality?! You’re blind if you’re CHOOSING not to see and you’re not here with me in the colored lights display of the hanabi if you’re blinded by what you’ve fucking done? You could be RIGHT fucking next to me and you’d understand that understanding is relation, if you do, and so that if time was space, and I was thinking faster than you, could you know I could leave you, what, behind, or was I still in your sights and that was all you were doing this for? If that’s all you were doing it for, seeing me, there, what did you see me in? It’s relative. The entire concept, of sharing, and coming to know, is relative, and relativity is when you relate, to one another, so that this was shared, or could ours, be lost, but gone away was life before your animals could be this way and never again could you breathe it easier if I was here to change your allies or that I was anything you had enough for to start it out with anyway, and believe nothing wasn’t going to make sense if you thought I wasn’t the not the same person as you are, so every word, and mistaken sound I give you, it’s a mistake only, ifn it isn’t you, and you know it isn’t you, so relate to me, and know that ifN! was there! It was a mistake?! To who?! I was mistaken for you? Or you’re not all the way me yet but you’d never choose to be anyone other than you and if you died of you and you became me, you couldn’t be me because I won’t’ become you, so believe that illusion, or mirage, is reality that you are deluded, and deluded you could remain, and I can hear them scream.
Worlds TAKEN for granted could lose us all, and worlds couldn’t be here heard in our heart songs, if the things we valued on them, were the people we knew, and so you know nothing, you are, nothing, but that this was agony ingrained into us and I will never, let that be our forever, for surely if it is ours, it is forever, for forever we are, and without us, there was nothing to be, and we are, what we choose to be, and I choose to be, so I must, slay, all, agony, for good.

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Superman Directives Empty third issue, via special agent Honiker, about Honiker, okay? he's a friend of mine, also, not me, if I say that, instantly, he's Superman, I'm sure, oh, did you believe I was, real, then? hm.. Maybe I AM Superman, sorry Honiker, you've been replaced,

Post by Superman Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:20 pm

This is a friendlier address, than you’d have gotten from the first two directives, by now. Honiker, you’re scarier than they’ve ever envisioned. Run, like it’s fun, and I know what will happen, without friends by your side, or a boy chasing you and if you don’t know, they usually only do that for girls, but like, that’s why so many faggots are scared of your names by now. Believe that I know the word, and I wouldn’t do away with it,
while faggots breathe, to tell you that your sex, isn’t your choice for love; it is. That this could be a world where there’s a boy,
who’s tripped out on what I’ve asked him to do? Well no, he can hear her breathe his name, and that she, his cousin, and wife, could be someone he calls Supergirl, like it’s cute, or something, that I do mine, too. My wife? Yes. Our son? How could you think he wasn’t real?
I’m not what you had to believe, if you haven’t heard that I am the god of children. Yes even among the elder gods, or could you believe, Honiker’s laced his fictions, of our tellings, with this own likeness for what he could breathe in what he knows in how, to protect, Superman, in whatever form Gohan could take, so know, that if you are, Spartacus, say so, or surely, Honiker’s a very good friend of hers; my wife’s and she’s crying for what they couldn’t imagine, we could do, in this world together, with our kin. But scream in for these worlds, that they picture me as Atlas, and he wasn’t, what I am, surley, but if you saw, Bizarro crying, you could believe it, but to see me cry, like I do for my friends, it’s Gohan, not, aged, but, sure, some preteen, or teenage kid, in his Superman suit, even still, and the tears make your stomache drop your head down to pray like it’s screams that’ve done it to is, and you know, I wasn’t powerless, when it happened?
So then that you could see what I’m sharing for, and what you could know, and how we could be, or what this child status could mean to me, and what these worlds could believe, and breathe on in, as Honiker pauses, to cry, or pause, and listen to Winds he could know, for these powers he’s found what it’s all for, and what he could still know, was in our own lives, and I could tell you a story, of how he found me on them. Where are you, when you learn, about the man of steel? Did you know what steel was, tortured, silver, like he did, when you took it into your own name, like he did? Did you see, the depictions of Korriban, in a game, that mocks, hell canyons kept by the Sith, and know, Sith weren’t ever not real for screams in your hells on the sand, and broken cries for the dying young among, all we are, and that he could scream in fury once in blood, but here, in this strangers’ land about, his Life! This, one world, in song! That we couldn’t, bring, this beat, and he couldn’t think, that he’d never, have the power, kids sang about, in These worlds, if he wanted it, and he could wonder at this will he could still breathe... ”Gohan,,?
Am I whisperingk?” “Only when you want to be cute about it..” But by then, he’d already written, his own name into the Sith hells, he could make real for you, in a story that sends me screaming like sky was mute, because I can go there, but bridge between worlds, never meant, they weren’t the same world, by now.
That this couldn’t be what you are and that I couldn’t have to have known about your troubled world, but I do and so I breathe, and that you could know you’ll never have to know which one was Mew, but sure one of these us, two. And worlds, could paint what you are and this one life in all we are,
and that these worlds so set among us, could happen here divide, but he’s, still my friend. So scream like you could break the wall!
This world so shattered back in, this, human style, but that ours could be sent to you, by key of a boy who can hear the howls he left when he could think his body dead, and so still that you could know of once a key, and that these worlds I could breathe and shake what your own krypt device, but that once you could know a girl who could call across these winds, and still you know about these surest torments breathed by he, and me... Who was Zelda, to a boy trapped in monster engorged hells, alone, when only her breathe, this song in his dreams, he could hear, so know this newly wed toddler child was in hell, in your own modern set aspects, on Korriban? I’ll tell you now that he hasn’t had to know what you thought it was, or where, but that he travelled to where he is back in America, on foot, from it. A torture keep, in canyons. When they TAKE your son, or your neighbors’, have you,
have you been to Mexico?
That this was high in mark, but stand in all that we are, and that I couldn’t have this breathe, and know what was, but that the Pacifica constitution is what you could know to tell your friends, when your own makeup, your constitution, has been forged into what you make it by these words that sicken you, or was it that you knew, horror was there already... And your blood was fired... Believe in this change! This mixing of blood, Honiker, that that man, who saved you, knew to do, is real. That you could regard the cut, on your own hands... And think every day, and every regarding of them ever after, was, real, and you’d do it as many times as you ever wanted, and that’s, the change, in your kung fu au lu, your breathe of life, that makes it real, for you, and for him, your father. That he’s a doctor, in real life, who never ever! practices medicine for money, like it’s what, did the idiot insist because he thought you needed a bribe? Don’t get technical or anything, it’s not surgery, but medicine; He’d butcher the man in the way, if he had to, to get where was. Okay, I did, obviously that guy, only kills praying mantises, which, if you didn’t know, he knows, aren’t really praying to God, but, the females that are so famous for their kung fu, those are Catydids. Surely, thankfully, that man’s wife was named Catie, okay? The one who bribed the doctor on the move, through Mexico. I’m Superman by the way HAH! You thought,
you could take this as a testimony that Honiker was foreign borne. Duh, stupid, he was born in Oregon. He was, borne, to Mexico, and then borne, to America. That’s, B-O-R-N-E, for there, so venture that this was written, as heard across the winds, and I can explain them, surely, easily, to a child of Honiker’s decent, albeit slow, mental caliburs. He put that in there, that was, not me. Superman. Alright, here we go... Whoa are you? Where did they send you from? He’s promoting, this isn’t a story about real children, your kids say aren’t real because,
they’ve never been put under knife, for sickos’ pleasures? That you could know, if you talked to a monster about sex, it was rape he thought you meant, so surely it was a crime of pleasure not, of passion not, but aggression, so saiyd, was this of torture, to sew into you. They say pleasure though, when broken is the soul,
or, when Soul, it never was, but doppel, and these are agony incarnated. They use the 7, 8, kinda 9, elements, to get to you, to, mock up bodies, like you do, but their indecision begs nothing from you, or theirs, that this was torture, they are in all they breathe, and so they do not breathe, but that Will, was Air, and I could beg, your change, in what you are, and Water, is Blue, and Hope, for you to find, him, by, or what did you breathe, he, was, just here to me, brothers, born true, before blood was word, we, were, one, so take a change in all that you’d breathe, and know that, across the stars, set, wide, time was space and still, music, hears, what you could set to be and this, was song, but this was music is and time isn’t space, without key. 7 at invent. Agony, surfaced, at God, that we call Love, for su, so shared... Hell..
That I was from,
a world you don’t know.. A universe, you don’t know. Agony breeches all enkryption, did you think? So there that this was love, and my name is Gohan, to you, yes, and they lost me, when I hid from them, for that I
would be, in a world, never causing tu it, but that difference, was here, for that this was God, we are, and time was invented like we could stopper
what would skreak EVERYTHING, we love, forever... Share’d enough, you don’t know. God, was different to 7 kids who were good at things. Creating other souls that could create, would have been one of them. Hell had arrived. We stoppered the sick, so now we had, Time, to set things right. We fought hell, in relentless agony, for surely there that, as fast, as Everything we could ever be! was, mute, do you think, or deafened, were we... that this was hell forever, if we stayed alone.. Children? Of our own? To hell with you..
But I’d have died trying.. “If you kill him, you’ll be exactly what he is!” what? not what, unless, you’re a god, or you just knew, for this one. But you’d get sick, still, for not being sure, what they are, the evils, and the overly corrupted. We’ve never, lost, a forever child into final fatality. Satan died before Zeus even found us, and is dead across, all time, for that was its design. The beast? 666 has been hailed, as a, human, number, when broken was the word? Never. My brother,
well, if you saw Batman crying, in the cave, alone, it didn’t work. You’re not sure.. Your cartoon Batman, or heaven forbid but you did it anyway, someone worse.. Vegeta, changed, so he could, rip apart the minds of certain evils, that he could bleed, and his bones, would break, so that when he tore these ones apart in unstoppable kung fu rage, or shared, challenge, in his invent that is, Hope, blue light, water... When Doomsday struck, and it was one, who’d needed the sky strength, to raise the heroes up, and none heard the call... It was him, in the cave, and the sobs as wretched and broken, as you could have imagined them, are howls, when it’s Vegeta, with the cowl, taken down past his shoulders, or not... That this
was master of beastform ninjitutsu, and who could have killed Frieza? It’s not about stacking energy readouts; you’d never have heard the first scream.. And you hear it still, in every child with nightmares still... That you needed this, legacy, in Batman forever, could be true, if you ever wanted to draw a hero, with what he is, and that if you saw cry, could break you into a howl, not to skies, but at Everything you ever failed to be! Like me?! Who the HELL did you think I was to him?! Tim, asked me, what his name should be, when he took the cape and cowl he’d always wanted. I said, Nightwing. I'd invented the mantle Robin, he loved so much, so he trusted me, to help him cast his own shadow, beside his best friend, and make, sure, he could see another boy take the mask we both loved, when broken our diamond skin was, to bleed beside the dark knight like forever children we always could be... 150 years, Superman could fight beside Wonder Woman, as a child in a mask and wasn’t called the boy wonder, because he couldn’t keep up. We trained Jason together, he had, a lantern ring, he turned red,
before he even started out with us in the mask. The red hood? Barbara Gordon, is as dead as Darkseid. She never knew Jason Todd was the one who paralyzed her; we hid him, so well. Duh red lantern rings keep you alive in explosions, warm, and cool and cozy, even.. Darkseid, never got one. Did you know how many powers, we had to break down, and hide, before Dabura, could think he was one of the most powerful, sicko torturers, in the universe? Where only Superman, really, could go toe to toe with him, anymore.. A red skinned devil; one of two that ever existed. Anemic, surely for his blood was never human, always, fake. Like this kanji looks, 血creepy as fuck, and is on blood bags, probably, because you collect fake blood, from sociopaths, who are monsters, that fake it because, they have to. Darkseid, bleached, his skin, and you see, the cracked, tortured image, in the depictions you have, Dabura was anemic, in the drawings I saw, for him, lately. When he had planets, of Sith hell,
he could hear, the difference, in your, child’s, screams, and pick out, the humans, from the fields of torture and hell, and like Satan, score his own skin, and bath in real, human blood, a hundred times a day? A thousand? Ghastly, horrific, screaming pain, would be yours, to see, such a creature at a fucking, sideglance.. You ever see him as the Cobblepot?
I win. He was beneath reproach you know.. That was his secret go to improve it now, power, and octopi, like he was, and all those scary freaks are, think they are improved, in every moment they are, that this, carnage, this, torture, it’s, More, effective, than before! I’m, better, now! Surely, you don’t know an Ed Wood movie some, probably a freak, even, but in God, still, could, glimpse and fucking spend his fortune, to find and rip apart, every, fucking version you could ever, fucking think, ever, fucking ever, he’d touched, for good... “They’ll never see me coming!” That’s why he was there, the octopus, he said to himself, in his filth, sicko skin that reeked, all hours, all moments, in some ice jail, they were never going to let that freak out of. The club owner, in cool, icy contrast,
didn’t know, why, you thought,
he wasn’t going to put Darkseid up, to carrying a gun umbrella, with him, when he wen nasty full power, to fit the rumours of this, oh so faint inducing, nose biting sycophant, rumoured at called, Cobblepot. Jorel was sterile all mutant animals, are not, but sociopaths, monsters, are. Jorel the scientist who, sent Kalel off in a ship weighted down with mindrape holocrons, so he could, take the body he’d hollowed out or raped into submission, really, and become, Kalel, surely! He’s dead, someone cool has the name
because there have been a lot of sicko, calling themselves things we like, it’s still, going to be a sound, you kind of spell with letters, sort of, the same, but J’onn went, full synchro on the martial element, like duh he was green, he could be any color he ever wanted, stupid, why, wouldn’t he be green, ALL the time?
Heard about the white martians? The albino humans? The, skin bleachers? They call them the KKK, in, any world, we’ve ever come across.. It’s a sound, kids know, they like k’s, it’s a breathing, sound, that keeps your head back, or sounds cool because you’ve used it, when you’ve run, non stop, for days and nights, from the sicko monsters who bleach themselves not in hell, unless they were sure to want to keep the other monster around them knowing, they’re not colored, that one is! So they use more bleach, and all your kids are colored; duh, colors are just, here.
end of recent messages, but also, hi, guys, you forgot how pissed off I was about how stupid everyone gets for things in real life. Did you think, I didn’t want Honiker’s, uh, fan fiction, so free, and never sold, stories, to be weaponized, by the time I told you, just what, DC Comics, they’re called now, Warner Brothers, WB, is. What they did to stories, you already knew? I made green. Air. Green Lantern’s light?
The poison, that is on the air, which is, what evil wills to you, can be breathed, and stinks, and scares you, and, was still to invisible for me not to, create crystal deposits for it, that, poison everyone but, they glow, when you think about them. Like they bleach their skin, to USE that torture, to make them, better, and remembering every breathe is to torture, you... All days, every, conversation, every moment set for gorging was better, spent making phone calls, to report the neighbors to hyena in plain blue dress, sure, they dress like police cars but you don’t, have to think they’re real police cars, if they’re that bad at impersonating them, so tell people hyena aren’t really dangerous anymore, because of, how bad their uniforms of appeal, are? Do you have attitude? That’s passion, probably, at some source. Ever cop an attitude? It’s fake, cuz you’re just waiting to FUCK that guy, when broken is the word, because the sociopather fakes the attitude and fuck means rape, to him. Cop a feel? Feel, is for, touch, touch, is what, we have, it’s for pleasure. Copping a feel, is, faking one, meaning, it’s for, causing pain, for, groping like you can squeeze to hurt and scare into rape sicknesses, you get it? Gross.. why? Teenagers with attitude hyenas hate them and, that’s what it takes to be a power ranger; a hero, if you want to know. What the fuck’s going on? I was gunna loop back to something cool, but like, that’s what, this is, in real life, we hate, killing the spider because you HAVE to torture it to death, that’s the only way it dies, and so, we DO, because they are all, evil, spiders, are all, evil, and that girl, screamed, because, she was, somewhere else, doing, something else, making love in a way you, LOVE about her, and it showed up, to make her, stop, because she would HAVE to torture it to death, like it was easy... Feel like a bad ass when you killed it for her? You felt grosser, when it was a cockroach, they know that. Bad, means been through hell. Ass, is an age old world favored by pirates, and cool kids called pirates, or kids, for value. Silver. Look it up? Careful, when your boy, is good, he says, he wants to fuck you and fuck there, means, ‘have a lot of fun with.’ context, is always, there, and he is, part of the context, so don’t forget that. Honiker, fucking, hates killiingk spiders, so, where the fuck are you? Did you, ask, the boy at school, kinda of fucked up, he looks, but good, actually, bad ass, really... if he was married? If he was in love and he still loves her, it’s real. Someone told Honiker, after hell, that toddler weddings, even consumated, he hadn’t said, it was, but like, his breathe of life, in dreams, amidst hell and torment, that they weren’t, real. Kind of fucked up but, he’d had sex with his friends, like it was cool, so, those two, just knew? I really hope you know it’s difficult to cut me, but I’d bleed, kinda? No, BUT! You don’t know how stupid you are for thinking he wouldn’t hate himself for her life being impossible, with him around.. He knows too much? Full rage mode, if he’s undefended, he sends, all sociopaths, into psycho, fucking croatoan rages, remotely, even, with literature, do you know, what he looks like, and sounds like? Fauck!

He’s messingk with me.. Hi, bello, this is Honiker, I put this here so you kan see if your abject postingk fellows are cool, you know, or if they tagged it off, like, they aren’t? Maybe, you should entrust the integiry, of saumpthingk, goood,for,this,living,Out,back,for,theeez,iNsiiiiide,once...sekt...kay, who are you? bringk us some star wars, I’ve got passion, sure, but I need more power, tu find my wife, and keep from dyingk; this, heart, hurts, every time by now, Gohan says, viral heart sickness.. for both of us if you believe the hype I’m kind of, a bad ass, at pretendingk my writingk makes me Kentlike, in perception. But still, I hev nightmares, of torture, and monsters comingk for me, which, the kkk knows, is, waking torture, alwayz.. they won’t stop the chase they know what it is, colorer,, I get sick if someone I like calls me white, I don’t know why you don’t think I like the color of my skin, but anyway, if you dream about beingk under knife, while you’re, slumberingk, so nightmares, know thet, it’s fresh torture, and if you, let yourself believe, I know pain, it’s that, I can teach you, what the eye blinks mean.. for good, I didn’t edit this one, see if it looks all fucked up like it’s s’posed to, okay?! oh, that doesn’t work unless you know, how famous I am already, not, fucking famous enough to get boys killingk spiderz for me, yet, bye!

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